Saturday, July 17, 2010

Geneva - St. Peter's. The Fancy in a Reformation Church. Theological Inconsistencies?

Indulging in the Fancy
In a Reformation Church

At St. Peters, Geneva, the main church is stripped down from its earlier grandeur - showing the simplicity of the Reformation 1536 -- but attached is a lovely, lovely chapel.  It makes you so glad that there remained an eye for beauty, color, elevations.  There are stained-glass windows in the main church, and not just here.  Cold stone needs some bling to make the wearied mortal sing.

This is an ancient site, with archeological evidence of Romans and pre-Rome.
Small tour of this unexpected jewel:

Ceiling of Chapel, annex to St. Peter's Cathedral, Geneva.

Then step back into the main church, and look up there, also.  More fun.  What if we prefer the stonecarvers and the woodcarvers to the theologians?


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